Aniyah Cymone

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Step 1. Peep the symptoms

Step 2. Realization & Acting Accordingly 

Realize that you are experiencing burn-out. However, instead of apologizing about it or enabling yourself to continue to drop the ball’ tie loose ends and take care of all of what you can by giving yourself a harsh deadline. Whatever you have by that deadline, it’s done. Even if it’s not your best work send it off with notes of what you’d clean up by ...(here is where you give yourself another harsh deadline). Of course this can’t happen in all cases but being a perfectionist isn’t always worth it and it's “better done than good.” You can read more regarding that phrase by clicking the link attached to it. 

Step 3. Practice New Words 

Practice saying your new favorite word: No.

No doesn’t always mean you don’t want to do it, but if you can’t, you can’t. 

Practice saying 

“I would love to but I’m in for the night due to this month’s budget.”

“Wish I could collaborate with you but at this time my calendar is full. Please keep in touch with any opportunities in the future.”

They’re definitely no’s but said in such a way for you to feel less guilty. Of course you shouldn't feel guilty at all but if you’re the one that’s always biting off more than you can chew, saying no feels a bit harsh and  heartless. Also, put your foot down and stick to your decision so you won’t regret it later. 

Step 4. Unplug & Recharge 

Fast from distractions and anything that is exhausting your energy unnecessarily. While experiencing burn out, you either worry more or not have any sense of urgency at all. Then comes the “fuck it attitude”. Here’s where you simply don’t give a damn. Ignore all your problems because if you pay attention to them, then they’ll exist, right? Give yourself moments of solitude to recharge. Add “do nothing” to the to do list just before you execute the rest of your never ending tasks. Watch a movie. Masturbate. Make love. Whatever necessary to disconnect with the world before you get back out there and make sure you do it often.

Step 5. The Nooks & Crannies 

De-clutter your space. I know this is said almost 80% of my postings but it really does help. When you’re physically, mentally, or  emotionally drained; every task feels so daunting. Something as simple as doing laundry is intimidating. Your space is a reflection of your productivity. If shit is all over the place, soon enough, so will you. Don’t just tidy up, get into the nooks and crannies. Once you’re done, light a candle and whatever else you have in mind; sage, purple flowers, etc. 

Step 6. Rest in Your Nest  

Experiment with your sleep schedule. If you’re a night owl, make sure you still get the proper amount of rest for your body type. If you go to sleep at 3 am, don’t feel guilty for resting till 11 am or noon.

Step 7. Implement Strategies 

If some projects can wait, let them. Work on tasks little by little instead of trying to do it all at once. At this time, fray away from multi-tasking. That’s what lead us to burn out in the first place - trying to do too much at once. Tackle one thing at a time. The feeling of completing a task releases endorphins in the brain. In fact, it actually becomes a natural high that becomes addicting when you continue to complete challenging and important tasks. 

Step 8. Food For Thought

Food and activity plays a major role in increasing energy. I’m not saying go vegan or run a mile every morning but the more junk and processed foods you eat, the more sluggish you will be. If you’re like me right now, not active, its essential to cut back on the man made sugar and starchy foods. Food has a link to depression and anxiety as well. What is considered a healthy diet and a decent workout regimen is subjective to your lifestyle. I’ve been snacking on bs a lot lately, eating more junk than food and I can definitely see the results in my performance.