Good Vibes  Self Check Collage by Aniyah Cymone

Good Vibes Self Check Collage by Aniyah Cymone

People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead.
— James Baldwin

Have you ever looked around and wanted more from yourself and others. You see people moving forward with their blessings and success and you can’t fathom what’s keeping you so stagnant? Here we are ladies; we’re in the middle of the week, the middle of the month and the middle of the year of 2018. It’s time to stop jogging in place and do a self check.


Below is a mini-quiz I put together. Although you cannot click the numbers provided, I would like you to rate each of the following questions on a rating scale of 1-5, where 1 is ‘Not quite or Hardly Ever’ and 5 is ‘Extremely Satisfied or All the Time.’

Do you feel well accomplished with your business endeavors? 



Did you reach your financial goal for the summer?



Are you (truly) confident with your appearance physically?


Do you love yourself unconditionally? 


 Have you invested in yourself lately (i.e. your mental and spiritual well being)?


When was the last time you’ve tried something new?


Are you being mindful with the dialect between you and your conscious?


How often do you put yourself first?


Each question is worth a point resulting in your ratings. If you scored 30-40 points, perhaps your regimen is working in your best interest. Scored anything less, it’s time to reflect and reiterate some affirmations. 


To revisit why you may feel so stuck or out of balance, it’s because you’re repeating bad habits. No matter how talented you are, you cannot succeed with new blessings and opportunities with lousy rhythm. It’s like running on a treadmill. Treadmills provide great cardio but if you want to tone your body, become healthier inside and out; you must change your lifestyle. While doing so, you have to find that groove- get into rhythm with your mind, body, and spirit. Getting fit is beyond working out. Like success, it’s beyond talent.


Have you ever told yourself or your loved ones “I’m going to lose 30 lbs by the summer,” “I’m going to get my dream job in the future,” “I’m going to get where I need to be financially.” Have you noticed a trend? The, “I’m going to’s…”. I’m going to can become a long to do list for years to come. SPEAK IT TO EXISTENCE NOW! The most successful entrepreneurs do not make their success over night. However, they do believe in the philosophy and practices of speaking things into existence while focusing on the now. Not the future or the past, the now. What can they do within the next 24 hrs to get them another step closer to their goals is their priority. It becomes embedded in their lifestyle.  It becomes a way of life, a way of survival. Let’s hop into these linguistics... Saying “I am” is taking ownership of what you currently are. When you say “I am going to” or “I will,” that leaves room for dissatisfaction and failure. You’re allowing yourself to have something to do in the future. The future is an imaginary space of time. You dump all your goals there when you use the words will and going to. When you say I am, you hold yourself accountable and much more likely to take action.

Practicing what we preach is the first and profitable part of growing. You can’t tip toe around shit you want. You have to be stern about what you speak into fruition. Say it. Say it in your head. Say it out loud. Write it. Read it to yourself. Read it aloud. Add Post-its in your room, your car, your office. Invest in all that you have to do in order to promote positive habits of dialect for and within yourself.