What does it mean to be pro-life if you defend the life of a child in the womb, but not the life of a child on the border
— James Martin, SJ

Today I had an idea for today’s reading and as I was writing, quite frankly it felt inappropriate to post today. I try to steer clear from my political views on my site because I know myself. Sometimes I’m so passionate about something that I fail to view things objectively. With experience and a bit of wisdom gained, I am now more confident to express myself in regards to what’s going on in the world. Even with a small following I feel responsible for relaying a meaningful message – outside of dating tips, mental and spiritual health, etc.

I’ve been following the disturbing photos (there’s also videos/audio) that surfaced online of harsh treatment of the immigrant families were receiving at the hands of the Trump Administration Immigration Policy. For a country that has high values of life and morals this country successfully contradicts itself.

Today I’ve done more reading and here are my thoughts.

Objective View

To cross the border (illegally) is a crime.

Hearsay: Some Americans argue and ask how this is any different than Americans that break the law and are sent to jail, followed by separation of families.

Personal Views

It never surprises me that the government has a sick way of handling “issues” without any compassion. I’m sure this horrific nightmare isn’t quite new to cultures around the world but now that the media is in the position it is today and one of our major platforms of receiving news, both real and fake, I believe that is why this chaos is receiving so much attention – as it should. I think with who’s in office, Trump, and responsible for these acts have no compassion because they lack struggle. Privilege knows no struggle. His administration, including himself is well off financially. I’m sure they weren’t exposed to much crime, if any at all. They never feared for their lives. Instead of a positive and healthy solution or agreement, our government chooses to build concentration camps. Tiny jail mats are used as beds. Children are sleeping in what appears to be and look like sheets of foil. Our higher ups are getting desensitized and America’s views are running parallel to the eastern hemisphere. Life and safety isn’t valued. My boyfriend has a friend who is Iraqi. He shared a story of how he seen someone driving a truck full of C4 dynamite. He took off running just before detonation. With high adrenaline and fearing for his life, he was able to muster up the strength to run for miles. When he arrived to his uncle house he noticed he was bleeding from some of the fragments of the dynamite piercing through his skin and body. He then fell out from shock, To escape his trauma, he came to the US. Fast forward, look where we are today.

After weeks of lying that their hands were tied, blaming others (including democrats); thanks to everyone bold enough and courageous enough to use their voice and platform, Trump signed an executive order to end his policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S. and Mexico border.

Now, what happens to the children that were detained or went missing? I assume many children will return to their families. Imagine how traumatizing this is for not only the parents, but the children who are innocent and those with disabilities (autistic, etc.).  What bothers me is that Trump supporters and Trump himself is acting like he’s doing these people a favor and is a savior.

I came across a petition to urge my Governor, Scott Walker, to cancel his decision to send Wisconsin National Guard troops to assist Trump with his inhumane policy (splitting parents and children).

Here is a link to sign the petition:

What are your thoughts with this policy? If you have any new information, please share.

Aniyah CymoneComment