Better Done Than Good: 3 Simple Laws of Enlightenment I Like To Live By

We often try to live by rules and political correctness to execute in life, at least I did. I was told by my boyfriend that I just need to let go and trust myself more- when I have an idea, I’m too uptight about it. Recently, a professor of my linguistic class, Professor Perkins, said to me “it’s ‘better done than good.’” With that saying, I’ve applied that to everything. I noticed I would procrastinate on any and everything special or significant to me because it wasn’t “good enough” or I was so indecisive that I blocked my blessings. Below are three laws that I am living by to keep me balanced and I thought I should share. 


I am not religious or follow any religion. However, I am a very spiritual being that believes in God, that there’s such thing as bad and good karma, energy is real and what you put into the universe, you get right back- rather you’re rewarded or reminded that you’ll have to face consequences. I say that to say this, remember the biblical narrative about Moses seeing The Burning Bush. Well, here’s a quick synopsis:

The bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames. The burning bush is where Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan. In this moment, he was living in complete exile.

Better by Manjit Thapp

Better by Manjit Thapp

When you spend more time with yourself, you perform at your highest level and can reach highest levels of enlightenment. It is too easy to be influenced by others and folding into false perceptions of yourself because your life doesn’t quite match the success of another from a screen of some technical device. I have friends and family that often asks how to start a blog, interested in starting a podcast but they’re afraid to. They’re so full of great ideas and energy but when you sit on an idea no matter how brilliant it is, that’s simply what it is, just another idea. What are you waiting for; the right time, the right climate change, more money? Those are excuses. So fucking what you got 563 followers and you average about 24 likes per post! Fuck those analytics and give yourself purpose! Share your journey and interests! I think it’s necessary especially in this ADHD-like pace that we move in, in order to be sane- have a platform. Utilize your social platforms and express yourself. Start a diary, hell start many diaries and journals and pencil your thoughts.

Make a blog, a podcast or just use what you currently have. Get that shit out and stop holding it in. Empowerment, political views, food, style, whatever you’re into; share it. Now, I am not promoting crying on an Instagram video expressing how much you hate your life right now but there are other lucrative ways of getting that energy out. There’s nothing wrong with starting a fun hobby which now, you just might get lucky and start a side hustle or a career. When I first started my blog it was a complete shit show in 2014. Too much content, hard to follow and the layout was garbage- went from “Google’s Blogger App to a site made with GoDaddy, then finally a few years later, Squarespace. I got it out anyway and till this day, I am never 100 percent satisfied with what I put out. Yes, first impressions are everything but you can’t sit on stuff. If I would have put content off because of my false perceptions of perfection, I would have not worked with brands like Clinique, CYO Cosmetics, Panera, Tostitos, Chipotle, and Johnson & Johnson. We all gotta’ start somewhere. Remember, “Better Done Than Good.”

Faith + Mindfulness = Balance in Energy

You don’t have to go out and buy chakras and rocks and candles and sage and all the trendy “woke” stuff to fulfill your energy, although there are benefits to each- just do what you can. Prayer and mindfulness goes a long way. I personally do use sage. I light candles, no special candles in particular; just the kinds that have the scent I like… and I pray or I sit silently to reflect on my relationships, my relationship with God, myself, my boyfriend, the people around me and what am I currently doing to fulfill my purpose. Faith is for the zealous, strong, and firm in purpose and not the indolent. You have to give all your worries to God with trust and faith, knowing that God and the universe will take care of it. When you try to do things on your own, your outcome will not be mighty. It will not be fruitful. The power of God and the universe is so divine that you receive the highest levels of enlightenment and blessings with just faith and mindfulness. You can then create your own world. It’s harder for the devil and his evil doers to knock you out of your frequency because your energy becomes a shield.

Manjit Thapp: Illustration in collaboration with @Project1324 for International Womens Day #ShatterStereotypes

Manjit Thapp: Illustration in collaboration with @Project1324 for International Womens Day #ShatterStereotypes

Rapture in Trusting the Process

Instead of wishing your life was any different, appreciate where you are now because where you are is exactly where you need to be. I learned the hard way- repeated trial and error. I once read that our blessings are like flying an airplane onto a runway. Before an airplane lands, the runway has to be what? The runway has to be clear, right?  When it’s not clear, the pilot has to stall by circling around and around, and around again until it’s finally safe for landing. The same thing happens with our blessings. When we have too many distractions, God and the universe does not align in such a way that we will be rewarded with blessings. Those blessings will remain in limbo until we eliminate toxicity which comes in many forms:

  • Expired Relationships, Friendships, Working Circumstances

  • Hostility in Self

  • Ignoring Priorities with Irresponsible Notions

Everyday Thoughts On Everyday Things by Rachel Denti

Everyday Thoughts On Everyday Things by Rachel Denti

Whatever it is that you’re seeking, rather it’s redefining your health and altering your body, your mind & sanity, finances, means to traveling and reinventing yourself, and finding yourself, your career,  your significant other, seeking calmness and punctuality; it just won’t happen if your life is all out of balance. Stop asking yourself, “Why do I attract relationships that don’t best suit me and jobs that don’t feed my spirit?” and blaming everyone for everything that YOU can control.  Instead of complaining, hoping, and wishing for change; put forth the necessary efforts to work out your own deliverance with diligence.



Quick little things that get ya’girl right to start the day. 

1. Meditate

work of Renée Gouin.

work of Renée Gouin.

I hate being or feeling rushed, especially if its business related. Start your morning an hour or two early to meditate. Meditating is reading, writing, praying, yoga, anything that'll help you center yourself. Do not open any social media apps before doing so. I know, its easier said than done. Looking at videos of dogs doing tricks and rolling over to hit the snooze button is oh so tempting but when you get up and prep your mind to get shit done- it's so damn rewarding. 

MORNING TROUBLES ~ illustration by Céleste Wallaert

MORNING TROUBLES ~ illustration by Céleste Wallaert


2. EAT 

Don’t make excuses for running out the door with vitamins and a banana. A mind cannot focus without nutrition and nourishment. Get fancy, go to Pinterest and look up some ideas for quick breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options.

3. PREP 

Whatever you have going on that day, prepare for it - notes, power points, sketches, mood boards or visuals. Go over it. “Stay ready so you aint gotta get ready.”

desk stuff.jpg

Hope you guys enjoyed this really SUPER late read. I will try to post much earlier. Took my own advice and said "fuck it"... post now! "Better Done Than Good," right?

Oh.. and what do you guys do to get yourself feeling balanced and enlightened? Share below! xx!